Tree Trimming & Removal in Marlboro, NY

Keep your trees healthy and beautiful with our tree trimming and pruning services. Acorn Tree Care LLC in Marlboro, New York, also offers tree removal when the need arises. Our tree services are available in case of emergency 24-hours a day.

Tree Trimming & Pruning

No matter how short or tall your trees are, we have the equipment and expertise to restore your trees to their natural beauty. Our 76-foot man-lift allows us to reach the tallest trees but is also gentle on your lawn. Let us remove old, dead branches that are both dangerous and unsightly.

Low-Impact Tree Trimming

We also provide reshaping by removing branches and limbs that have grown the wrong way. No matter what the reason or request, we provide the best service at fair prices. The best thing is, with our attention to detail and thorough cleanup, you won't ever know we were there!
Man Using Chainsaw - Tree Care in Marlboro, NY

Tree Removal

Acorn Tree Care LLC removes old, dead, or damaged trees when necessary. Sometimes cabling and bracing simply cannot save a tree, whether the damage is caused by age or natural weather events. When your family, home, or business is at risk of injury or damage, it may be necessary to remove a tree. We remove trees in a safe manner without causing damage to surrounding properties.
Contact us in Marlboro, New York, and beautify your surroundings with our tree removal, trimming, and pruning services.
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